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Planning Board Meeting Agenda 07/09/07
Planning Board Meeting Agenda
July 9, 2007
Meeting Room, Town Hall, Northeast Harbor

I.      Call to order 6:00 p.m.

II.     Approval of the minutes from the June 11, 2007 meeting and the minutes from
        the June 25, 2007 meeting.

III.    Conditional Use Permits
       A.  NAME:  Northeast Harbor United Church of Christ
             AGENT: Marie LaRosee
     LOCATION:  Summit Road
    TAX MAP:  5 LOT: 29-1 ZONE: VR2
    PURPOSE:  An amendment to a Conditional Use Permit #97-29

IV.      Unfinished Business
        Subdivision Application(s)

        Completeness Review  

           A.  NAME: Robinson Lane Subdivision
              AGENT:  Greg Johnston, CES
              LOCATION: Robinson Lane, Hall Quarry
              TAX MAP: 7 LOT 84-1 ZONE: RW2
              PURPOSE: Create a 4 lot subdivision

V.      Other Business
VI.     Adjournment

        The next scheduled meeting/public hearing(s) is in the Meeting Room, Town Hall, Sea
        Street, Northeast Harbor at 6:00 p.m., July 23, 2007